
Mother Teresa biography

It is said that everyone lives for himself in the world, but the one who works for others, leaving behind his selfishness, is called great. The whole life of such people is inspirational, people remember them by heart even after their death. One such great personality is named Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa, an idol of kindness, selflessness, love, devoted her whole life to the service of others. There was immense love inside Mother Teresa, which was not for any particular person but for every person who was poor, helpless, sick, lonely in life. By becoming a nun at the age of 18, she gave a new direction to her life. Mother Teresa was not from India, but when she came to India for the first time, she fell in love with the people here, and decided to spend her life here. He did unprecedented work for India.

Mother Teresa Early Childhood Education

Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910, her name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. His father was a businessman, who was also very religious, he always went to the church near his house, and was a follower of Jesus. She died in 1919, after which Mother Teresa was raised by her mother. Mother Teresa’s family had to go through financial trouble after her father’s departure. But his mother taught him to share food from childhood. His mother used to say, whatever you get, share it with everyone and eat it. Mother Teresa of soft mind would ask her mother who are those people, with whom should we share and eat together? Then his mother would say that sometimes our relatives and sometimes all those people who need it the most. This word of mother went home in the tender mind of Agnes, and she brought it into her life. Due to this, she later became Mother Teresa.

Agnes also completed her schooling. Agnes (Mother Teresa) was also rich in melodious voice. She used to sing songs of the glory of Jesus with her mother and sister in the church. At the age of 12 she went on a religious journey with her church, after which she changed her mind and accepted Christ as her Savior, and decided to spread the word of Jesus to the world. In 1928, at the age of 18, Agnes was baptized and accepted Christ. After this she moved to Dublin and lived, after that she never went back to her home and never saw her mother and sister again. After becoming a nun, she was born again and got the name Sister Mary Teresa. She took the training of a nun from an institute here.

Mother Teresa’s coming to India and the work done by her

In 1929, Mother Teresa came to Darjeeling city of India with missionary work along with the rest of the nuns of her institute. Here she was sent to teach in the missionary school. In May 1931 she took vows as a nun. After this he was sent to the city of Calcutta, India. Here he was asked to give education to poor Bengali girls. St. Mary’s School was established by Sister Loreto of Dublin, where poor children studied. Mother Teresa had very good knowledge of both Bengali and Hindi language, she used to teach history and geography to children. For many years he did this work with full dedication and devotion.

During his stay in Calcutta, he closely saw the poverty, disease spreading among the people, helplessness and ignorance. All these things started working in her mind and she wanted to do something so that she could be of use to the people and reduce the sufferings of the people. In 1937 she was awarded the title of Mother. In 1944 she became the principal of St. Mary’s School.

A new change

Mother Teresa had a new experience on 10 September 1946, after which her life changed. According to Mother Teresa – on this day she was going from Calcutta to Darjeeling for some work, when Jesus spoke to her and said, leave the work of teaching and serve the poor, helpless, sick people of Calcutta. But when Mother Teresa took a vow of obedience, she could not leave the convent without government permission. He got permission in January 1948, after which he left the school. After this Mother Teresa adopted a white colored blue striped sari, and appeared in it throughout her life. She took nursing training from Patna, Bihar, and came back to Calcutta and started serving the poor people. Mother Teresa built an ashram for orphans, other churches also started extending their hands to help them. While doing this work, he also had to face many problems. He did not have any financial help because of leaving work, He also had to spread his hands in front of people to fill his stomach. But Mother Teresa was not afraid of all these things, she had complete faith in her Lord, she was sure that the God who had asked her to start this work, he would also complete it.

Missionaries of charity history

On 7 October 1950, due to the great efforts of Mother Teresa, she got permission to become a Missionary of Charity. Volunteer in this institution was the teacher of Saint Mary’s school, who was associated with this institution with a sense of service. Initially, only 12 people used to work in this institution, today more than 4000 nuns are working here. Orphanages, nursing homes, old age homes were built by this institution. The main objective of the Missionaries of Charity was to help those who have no one in the world. At that time, the disease of plague and leprosy was very widespread in Calcutta, Mother Teresa and her organization used to serve such patients themselves, they used to clean the wounds of the patients and apply ointment.

The disease of untouchability was also spread in Calcutta at that time, the helpless poor were ostracized from the society. Mother Teresa had come out as a messiah for all such people. She used to support the poor, hungry naked, feed them. In 1965, Mother Teresa asked Pope John Paul 6 of Rome for permission to spread her missionary to other countries. The first Missionary of Charity Institute outside India started in Venezuela, today there are Missionaries of Charity organization in more than 100 countries. Mother Teresa’s work was not hidden from anyone, her selflessness was closely watched by all the big leaders of independent India, they all also appreciated her.

Controversy over Mother Teresa

Despite this widespread acclaim, Mother Teresa’s life and work have been mired in controversy. It is said that where there is success, disputes follow behind it. People also misunderstood the kindness and love of this selfless gesture of Mother Teresa and she was accused that she serves people in India with the intention of converting them. People considered him as a preacher of Christianity, not considering him as a good person. On top of all this, Mother Teresa used to concentrate on her works only, without paying attention to the words of the people, she gave more attention to her work.

Mother Teresa death

Mother Teresa had heart and kidney problems for many years. He had his first heart attack in 1983 when he met pop John Paul II in Rome, followed by a second heart attack in 1989. Due to ill health, she used to do her work, and was associated with all the work of the missionary. In 1997, when his condition worsened, and he realized this, he left the post of Head of Missionary of Charity in March 1997, after which Sister Mary Nirmala Joshi was selected for this post. Mother Teresa died on 5 September 1997 in Calcutta.

Mother Teresa Awards and Achievements

  • Awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1962.
  • In 1980, he was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest honor.
  • Awarded the Medal of Freedom by the US Government in 1985.
  • In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Prize for helping the poor, the sick.
  • In 2003 Pop John Pole blessed Mother Teresa, honoring her as the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.

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